The Primary Cause of Lost Teeth
Gum disease accounts for more tooth loss than direct decay, but the symptoms of gum disease may
go unrecognized until you begin to lose your teeth. You should see a dentist if you’re experiencing
bleeding gums when you brush or floss or if you have loose or shifting teeth. If you’ve been
informed that you may require gum surgery, you will be pleased to know that there are also several
non-surgical methods available for the control of gum disease.
Gum Disease
Can Contribute to Heart Disease and Even Stroke
According to Dental Health Alberta, “Gum disease (periodontal disease) often progresses at a slow
pace, with no pain. As a result, it is very common in many individuals. Gum disease is not just about
your mouth – there is evidence linking gum disease to heart disease, respiratory disorders and strokes.”
It is estimated that as many as 8 out of 10 people may suffer, or be at risk, from gum disease. Periodontal
infection poses more hazards to people whose health is already compromised by diabetes and respiratory
afflictions. The reality is that the bacteria that contribute to a gum infection isn’t restricted to your
mouth. These bacteria can move through your soft tissues, into your bloodstream, and from there travel to
all your other internal organs.
Now the Good News
The treatment of periodontal (gum) disease, in all its stages from mild to severe, is typically covered by
most dental insurance plans. Non-surgical care combined with improved dental hygiene has often proven
effective in slowing or even stopping the spread of the disease. However, in more severe cases, treatment
may still include surgery.
What’s So Bad About Losing a Tooth?
No matter how you lose a tooth, leaving the gap will cause other problems to develop over time. You may
notice that your other teeth begin to shift, which will alter your ability to chew your food properly.
Losing teeth changes your dental occlusion (your bite), causing your remaining teeth, gums, jaw muscles,
and jaw joints to experience additional stresses, and this can produce mild to severe pain.
Dental implants represent a reasonable choice for replacing a missing tooth or even multiple teeth. Implants
simulate the look of natural teeth because they’re placed below your gum line, unlike a bridge or dentures,
which rest upon your gums. The materials used to create modern implants can be dyed/stained to blend with
the look of your natural teeth.
Have You Been Told You Need Gum Surgery?
At , we use laser technology for the non-surgical treatment of gum disease. Used in place
of scalpels and sutures, lasers offer precisely placed incisions and reduced bleeding, with a goal of reduced
discomfort and improved healing. The laser can also be employed for other soft tissue procedures, such as
treating oral lesions or reducing the look of a “gummy” smile. Ask us about this at your next visit!
We can help arrest your gum disease and bring your smile back
to health. Give us a call today at .